WCCCC hosts Time for the Trades 2022

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The Chamber hosted its annual two-part series, Time for the Trades. This event has served as the Chamber’s initiative to connect skilled trade businesses to resources they need to grow in our region. Attendees were able to hear from George Fiore of the Chester County Intermediate Unit on how businesses can partner with local career and technical education programs to develop a workforce that fits for them. Stephanie Larkin of the Associated Builders & Contractors introduced the audience to resources their organization has in developing an apprenticeship program. Jim Lauckner of the Manufacturing Alliance of Chester and Delaware Counties discussed funding opportunities for manufacturers and programs for additional resources.

Through this initiative the Chamber strives to address workforce needs by fostering partnerships between trade businesses and career and technical schools and other trade organizations. These events share information on training, funding, apprenticeship programs or education and certification opportunities that skilled trade employers can leverage. The next Time for the Trades event will be held in December 2022. To get involved with this initiative please contact [email protected]

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